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How to Prevent Flea Infestation on Your Cat


If you are planning to examine the fur of your cat, you must be very surprised to see a lot of fleas there. It will happen especially if you do not put so much attention on bathing the cat. However, you still have the chance to help the cat do away with flea infestation. If your pet is so closed to you, it is imperative to think about finding a way to handle the situation. You do not want your cat to agonize on such pain and you also do not want to experience a transfer of disease.


Most people will say that prevention is really better than cure. Hence, you need to find means on how to prevent flea infestation to your pet. Since cat is a carnivorous animal, it will always have the smell of meat. The fleas are also sensitive to the smell of meat so they will find the source. Unfortunately, your cat is the source of that stinky smell. What you need to do is to simply ensure the cleanliness of the cat. You have to bathe it so that the stinky smell will be removed.


Another important thing to consider is to apply anti-flea shampoo. You need to find one in the market. For sure, there is a variety of brands but you need to be careful about choosing shampoo because some of them have chemicals that are dangerous to the health of the pet. You need to provide extra protection to your cat and shampooing the fur is one of the best ways to avoid flea infestation. Do not let your cat sleep on the ground because the ground is dirty and fleas are very sensitive to dirt. If they find your cat so dirty, they will simply find a way to connect to it and later suck its blood.


You will surely be very happy to think about sending your flea-infested cat to the veterinarian. He knows what to do because such kind phenomenon can be common among cats. He will provide the right Oral flea medicine for cats once he finds out that the skin of the cat has wounds.


Those wounds definitely are made by fleas whenever they suck blood from your pet. You would want to know how to continue the medication of your pet and it could only happen once the doctor tells you the flow. Flea infestation can be stopped and can be prevented if not cured. You can also make use of the best flea collar for cats.

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